Sunday, April 19, 2009

reflection number two

One of my strengths during the second issue is completing my stories on time. I was able to revise them many times until I was satisfied. My weakness was basically giving up more time to help my partner create the layout. Even if I was gone for 16 days, I came back and the paper was still not finished. But, I was able to communicate with my partner and we both split our responsibilities. Then, we got our page finished. =)

For our upcoming issue, I plan to fix my weaknesses by continuing to work on the page layout and help others out. I can continue to complete my stories upon deadline and provide any assistance to anyone.


  1. AWWWW!!!! ur gonna help ur so cool. I like ur pic and layout. . . thing. oh yeah this Shiloh. Later.

  2. Haha klaire, you mention partner like you dont even know me :) i agree, the level of order and things done when you were gone was soo funny, things i needed to finish were out of my control, sorry i couldnt get things done >___< we make a great team ! and i hope to work with you again ^___^

  3. klaire with a k! you're sooo KOOL!

  4. Hey Klaire. I would be pretty frustrated if that happened to me too, but it's good that you guys were able to compromise and get it done. Good luck with the next layout :) haha.
